We are excited to announce that the "InterChamber Carnival & Summer Mixer" is back!
SingCham Shanghai, in partnership with 23 other international chambers, invites you to join us for this fantastic event on Saturday, 8th June, at Amara Hotel Shanghai.
In addition to the traditional networking mixer, we have added a booth carnival section that is open to the public! This is a great opportunity to meet and connect with professionals from various interchambers while enjoying a fun and vibrant atmosphere.
**24 Participating Chambers:**
SingCham Shanghai, AmCham, BenCham, BritCham SH, CanCham, ColCham, EAChamber, European Chamber, FinnCham China, German Chamber, HKCCC, Korean Chamber, InaCham, Italian Chamber, Indian Association, Irish Chamber, Japan Chamber, MayCham China, MexCham, PhilChamSH, Romania Chamber, Swiss Cham, Thai Cham, Uruguay's Exporters Association
**Event Details**
Date: Saturday, 8th June 4-10pm
Venue: Amara Hotel Shanghai
Ticket price:
**Ticket includes swimming pool usage (4p.m.-6.30p.m.), BBQ, Buffet Dinner and 2 Drinks.