Topic: Indonesia National Al Development and Governance Strategy 主题:印度尼西亚国家人工智能发展和治理战略
Industry Keynote Speeches 产业主题演讲
#1 主题:AGI和人形机器人赋能全球新产业生态 Topic: AGl and Humanoid Robots: Enabling a New Industrial Ecosystem Globally #2 主题:新加坡在人工智能治理方面的卓越经验推向全球:AIDX跨境合作项目 Topic: Scaling Singapore Excellence in Al Governance Globally: The AlDX Cross. Border Endeavour #3 主题:马来西亚如何将人工智能应用于工业应用以提高生产力和可持续性 Topic: How Malaysia Apply Al on Industrial Applications to Enhance Productivity and Sustainability #4 主题:利用人工智能打造印尼数字未来 Topic: Harnessing Al forIndonesia Digital Future #5 主题:中国人工智能如何助力东盟人工智能可持续发展? Topic: How China Al can empower Sustainable Development of AI in ASEAN?
Book Launch ceremony 新书发布特色仪式活动
Title: Al for Humanity: Building a Sustainable Al for the Future 书名:人本人工智能:打造面向未来的可持续人工智能
Panel Session: Al Development and Governance 多边圆桌对话
主题: 如何培育深度信任,赋能AI引领者的"双向出海 相互蝶变 Topic: From Building Deep Trust to Metamorphosis of Cross-Border Al leaders between China and ASEAN
PanelSession:lnvestment and Fintech 多边圆桌对话
主题:投资与金融科技的跨境合作的机遇和挑战 Topic: Opportunities and Challenges for Cross-Border Collaboration on Investment and FinTech
Closing 闭幕
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